Discovering Zen: A Journey with Alan Watts

Are you an Ashtanga practitioner ready to explore Zen philosophy through the lens of Alan Watts? Join us as we dive into the captivating documentary “Zen: The Best of Alan Watts” and discover how Zen principles can enhance our Ashtanga journey. Expand your understanding of yoga and find inner calm amidst the challenges of your practice. Embrace a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Let Alan Watts guide you on this beautiful path of self-discovery. Happy watching and happy practicing!

Deconstructing Toxic Systems in Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga Education

Deconstructing Toxic Systems in Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga Education

Discover the intricate relationship between multilevel marketing (MLM), charismatic leadership, and Ashtanga yoga communities in this exploration. Uncover the defining traits of MLMs and their impact on education and vocational systems, along with the potential toxicity within yoga communities. Explore the implications of these structures on individual growth, ethics, and society as a whole. #MLM #AshtangaYoga #CharismaticLeadership