About MJH
Michael is based out of Washington, DC.
He is the director of DC Ashtanga, a mysore style ashtanga yoga program and owner of miDCity Yoga, a corporate wellness provider that brings quality yoga instruction to offices, workplaces, conferences, and special events.
Michael grew up in a rural farming and fishing community, and did his undergraduate work in integrative studies, combining non-profit interests with public relations at george mason university’s new century college.
He’s an avid Crosfitter, marathon runner, and paddle boarding. He is passionate about social justice, elevated consciousness, and having fun.
He also has a background in comedy club hospitality (dc improv) that makes him think he’s funny. He isn’t.
A Life of Practice
Make Life Worth Living
Story of My Life
My Professional Experience
2008: 200-Hour Training Sivananda
Studied Sivananda Yoga at the Ashram on Paradise Island. Received 200 Hour accreditation.
2008: Founded miDCity Yoga
Began working professionally as a corporate yoga instructor, with clients like HUD, SEC, and the White House.
2009: Iyengar Apprentice
After studying Iyengar Yoga with Kristen Krash, began a formal apprenticeship. Completed in 2010.
2013: Ashtanga Apprentice
Apprenticed with Tova Steiner, L2 Authorized Ashtanga Yoga Teacher.
2014: Founded DC Ashtanga
Established an Ashtanga Yoga shala (school) in the Mysore tradition with a mission of inclusivity.
2016: Ashtanga Authorization
Received Level 2 authorization from the KPJ Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore, India.
2019: Mobility Specialist Certification
Received certification in Functional Range Conditioning, a scientific approach to strength training and mobility.

My Teachers
Michael has a great love of the vast field of study that is yoga, an interest that is invaluably supported by his Ashtanga yoga teachers, David Garrigues, Rolf and Marci Naujokat, and Sharath Jois. I Michael also is indebted deeply to the love and care that was put into his practice early on by Kristina Maze, in the Sivanada tradition, and Kristen Krash, in the Iyengar method.