Yoga Philosophy: Exploring its Origins and Impact on Practice

Yoga is a practice that is becoming increasingly popular around the world, and for good reason. Not only does it offer a way to improve physical health and flexibility, but it also has a profound impact on mental and spiritual wellbeing. At the heart of yoga is a philosophy that underlies the practice, and understanding this philosophy can lead to a more well-rounded and fulfilling yoga practice. In this blog post, we will explore the origins of yoga philosophy, its relationship to Hinduism, and its potential impact on a yoga practice.

Origins of Yoga Philosophy

The origins of yoga philosophy can be traced back to the Vedas, a collection of texts that were written between 3,000 and 6,000 years ago. The Vedas are considered to be revealed scriptures, and the verses within them were heard by enlightened sages in states of deep yogic meditation. These sages, known as rishis, passed down the teachings through an oral tradition, and the texts were eventually written down.

Yoga is one of six major schools of thought (darshanas) that make up Hinduism. The philosophy of yoga was developed by ancient sages who drew upon the teachings of the Vedas. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, written around 400 CE, is considered to be one of the most important texts in the yoga tradition. It outlines the eight limbs of yoga, including ethical guidelines, physical postures, breath control, and meditation.

Yoga Philosophy and Hinduism

While yoga philosophy is rooted in Hinduism, it is not necessary to be a Hindu to practice yoga. Yoga is a practice that can be adapted to any belief system or culture. However, it is important to understand the cultural and historical context of yoga philosophy in order to fully appreciate its impact on the practice.

The Vedas are considered to be the original source of all knowledge in the Hindu tradition. They are a collection of texts that cover a wide range of topics, including philosophy, mythology, and rituals. The Upanishads, which were written between 800 and 200 BCE, are a subset of the Vedas that focus on spiritual knowledge.

The Bhagavad Gita, written around 200 BCE, is another important text in the yoga tradition. It is a dialogue between the warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna, and it explores the nature of existence, the purpose of life, and the concept of dharma (righteousness).

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita are two texts that focus specifically on the practice of yoga postures (asanas) and other physical practices. They were written in the 15th and 17th centuries, respectively, and they provide detailed instructions on how to perform various asanas and pranayama (breathing exercises).

Impact of Yoga Philosophy on Practice

Yoga philosophy is not just a set of abstract concepts – it has a real impact on the practice of yoga. The eight limbs of yoga outlined in the Yoga Sutras provide a framework for a well-rounded yoga practice. The first two limbs, the yamas and niyamas, are ethical guidelines that help practitioners cultivate a sense of moral responsibility and inner discipline. The third limb, asana, is the physical practice of yoga postures. The fourth limb, pranayama, is the practice of breath control. The fifth limb, pratyahara, is the withdrawal of the senses from external distractions. The sixth limb, dharana, is concentration. The seventh limb, dhyana, is meditation. The eighth limb, samadhi, is a state of deep meditation in which the practitioner experiences a sense of oneness with the universe.

A regular yoga practice that includes philosophical teachings may ease anxiety more effectively than physical practices alone, according to a recent study. Learning about the yamas and niyamas can lead to significant decreases in anxiety, including lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Spiritual principles can help us find meaning in our lives and lower stress levels.

Key Moment in the Expansion of Yoga to the West

One key moment in the expansion of yoga to the West was the arrival of Swami Vivekananda at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. Vivekananda’s lectures on yoga and Hinduism made a deep impression on the Western audience and sparked interest in yoga as a spiritual practice.


Yoga philosophy is a rich and diverse tradition that provides a framework for a well-rounded yoga practice. Understanding the origins and cultural context of yoga philosophy can deepen our appreciation of the practice and help us experience its profound impact on mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. By incorporating the ethical guidelines, physical postures, breath control, and meditation practices outlined in the eight limbs of yoga, we can cultivate inner discipline, find meaning in our lives, and reduce anxiety and stress.

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