Systems Thinking and Spiritual Practice

Systems Thinking and Spiritual Practice

In both teaching and personal growth, one of the most powerful tools I have come to rely on is systems thinking. At its core, systems thinking is about seeing the interconnectedness of everything. It is a way of viewing the world, not as a collection of isolated elements, but as a network of relationships and interactions. This approach can be profoundly valuable when applied to spiritual practice, helping us understand not only how our thoughts, actions, and experiences are linked, but also how we are connected to the world and…

In Memory of Paramaguru Sharath Jois

In Memory of Paramaguru Sharath Jois

It is with great sadness that I share the news of Sharath Jois’s passing. At 53, Sharath’s passing is quite sudden. He is considered by many to be responsible for upholding the Mysore style of ashtanga yoga’s lineage. As such, for many in the Ashtanga community, Sharath’s teachings and presence became central to their (our) practice, and his loss will be deeply felt

Teaching in the Face of Competition and Cooperation

Teaching in the Face of Competition and Cooperation

In the world of yoga, and particularly within the Ashtanga community, there is often an unspoken undercurrent of competition. Whether it’s between teachers vying for students or different schools of yoga positioning themselves as superior, this competitive mindset can create division within a practice that is, at its core, meant to foster unity and growth. As teachers and practitioners, we must ask ourselves: Why do we see each other as competition rather than learning opportunities? How can we shift this dynamic to foster a more cooperative, supportive environment in the…

Spiritual Rot Caused By Gated Communities and Wealth (and how to avoid it)

Spiritual Rot Caused By Gated Communities and Wealth (and how to avoid it)

In his compelling article, “Plutocrat Archipelagos” in MacGuffin Magazine, Jack Self offers an unflinching look into the secluded, fortified worlds of the ultra-wealthy. Through vivid descriptions of razor-wire fences, bodyguards, and gated communities, Self explores how these enclaves of extreme wealth serve as both physical and psychological fortresses, isolating their residents from the societal and environmental impacts of their wealth. The article dives into the unique, often paradoxical psychological profiles of those born into vast fortunes—highlighting how isolation, privilege, and a lack of consequence lead to existential crises and detachment…

Creating a Yoga Guild: The Case for Unionizing Yoga Teachers

Creating a Yoga Guild: The Case for Unionizing Yoga Teachers

I wanna start this essay by saying that I have come to this essay as the inevitable conclusion of the work that I have been doing in my market analysis of the yoga industrial complex (system). Like many things that I spent months researching inside tgis system, the conclusions were clear: because Yoga is inherently steeped in values like compassion, social responsibility, and friendliness, the production of yoga requires so many intangible stocks that the industry is a nonlinear system. This means we have to use behavior analysis to forecast…

The Employee vs. Contractor Debate in the Yoga Industry

The Employee vs. Contractor Debate in the Yoga Industry

In the United States, the debate over whether yoga teachers should be classified as employees or independent contractors is complex and fraught with challenges. The truth is, the role of a yoga teacher often aligns more closely with the responsibilities and characteristics of a contractor rather than an employee. Flexibility and Autonomy One of the main reasons why being a contractor is a more accurate classification is the nature of the work itself. Yoga teachers generally enjoy a significant degree of flexibility and autonomy in how they operate. As independent…

Financial Equity for Yoga Teachers: Building Sustainable Business Models

Financial Equity for Yoga Teachers: Building Sustainable Business Models

The financial challenges that many yoga teachers face have been an enduring issue within the industry. For years, teachers have struggled to earn livable wages, often working long hours with little job security, no benefits, and limited opportunities for growth. The COVID-19 pandemic, which devastated the yoga industry and shuttered studios worldwide, exposed just how precarious this financial situation was. Many teachers were left without income, unprepared to weather such a crisis. It has become increasingly clear that financial equity for yoga teachers is not just a matter of fair…

The Importance of Systems Thinking in Yoga: Seeing the Bigger Picture

The Importance of Systems Thinking in Yoga: Seeing the Bigger Picture

Yoga, at its essence, is about the union of mind, body, and spirit—a holistic practice that reminds us that everything is interconnected. This principle of interconnectedness extends beyond the practice itself, applying equally to the broader yoga industry. By adopting a systems thinking approach, we can better understand the complex relationships that exist within the yoga world—from teachers and students to studios and the economic landscape. By viewing the yoga industry as an integrated system, we open the door to innovative solutions that can address the unique challenges faced by…

The Commercialization of Yoga: Challenges, Ethics, and Competition

The Commercialization of Yoga: Challenges, Ethics, and Competition

As yoga continues to grow in popularity, it has transformed from a deeply personal and spiritual practice into a commercialized industry. This shift has introduced a series of ethical dilemmas for teachers, students, and studio owners alike. At the same time, the rise of competition within the yoga community—among both teachers and studios—has further complicated the landscape, pushing some to prioritize profit over authenticity, and even engaging in unethical practices to maintain market share. From Tradition to Transaction: The Commercialization of Yoga When I first began practicing yoga, it was…

The Role of Learning in Yoga: Education vs. Exploitation and the Broken Teacher Training System

The Role of Learning in Yoga: Education vs. Exploitation and the Broken Teacher Training System

The modern yoga industry has shifted away from teaching a practice that once ecnouraged and even required ongoing learning, self-reflection, and personal growth. Instead, the commercial interests have been prioritized over genuine education. This shift has left both students and teachers navigating a system that often exploits their desire to learn and grow. Nowhere is this tension more evident than in the yoga teacher training system, which, while serving as a lifeline for the industry, has become deeply flawed. The Importance of Lifelong Learning in Yoga The essence of yoga…