Embracing the Chaos Muppet Within: The Art of Teaching Ashtanga Yoga

Embracing the Chaos Muppet Within: The Art of Teaching Ashtanga Yoga

Are you a Chaos Muppet or an Order Muppet? Explore the challenges and joys of being a ‘chaos Muppet’ Ashtanga Yoga teacher. I discuss finding a balance between the structured discipline of Ashtanga and a spontaneous, adaptable teaching style. The piece highlights the importance of being true to oneself in teaching and the advantages of blending structured methods with creative freedom. This approach fosters an inclusive and dynamic learning environment.

Dismantling Dogma in Ashtanga Yoga By Examining Tradition:  Embracing Evolution and Individual Paths

Dismantling Dogma in Ashtanga Yoga By Examining Tradition: Embracing Evolution and Individual Paths

This article explores the nuanced meanings of “traditional” in Ashtanga Yoga. It critically examines how this term, often associated with rigidity, contradicts the dynamic nature of Ashtanga as a living tradition. The article addresses the balance between traditional and modern approaches in practice rooms and how rigid interpretations can stifle the evolution of the practice. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing Ashtanga Yoga as adaptable and inclusive, advocating for a practice that respects lineage while acknowledging its continual evolution.

Unboxing Autonomy: Evolving Educational Perspectives

Unboxing Autonomy: Evolving Educational Perspectives

How can we break free from authoritarian educational constraints while fostering a learning environment that values autonomy, embraces diverse knowledge sources, and turns doubt into curiosity? That’s what I attempt to explore. Join me as I offer innovative solutions for overcoming dependency on leaders, welcoming unexpected wisdom, and transforming skepticism into a journey of discovery.

Deconstructing Toxic Systems in Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga Education

Deconstructing Toxic Systems in Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga Education

Discover the intricate relationship between multilevel marketing (MLM), charismatic leadership, and Ashtanga yoga communities in this exploration. Uncover the defining traits of MLMs and their impact on education and vocational systems, along with the potential toxicity within yoga communities. Explore the implications of these structures on individual growth, ethics, and society as a whole. #MLM #AshtangaYoga #CharismaticLeadership