Pranayama for Balanced Energy

Pranayama for Balanced Energy

Unlock a wellspring of energy and calm with the harmonious rhythm of Ujjayi pranayama and this easy to follow video. Its a 6-second inhale, 12-second breath retention, 6-second exhale, and 6-second breath hold– nothin fancy. This controlled breathwork not only enhances breath control but also sharpens your mental focus and reduces stress. Dive into this transformative practice and experience the serenity that lies within your breath, revitalizing your daily life with lasting vitality and mindfulness.

Conquer Negativity with Ujjayi Pranayama: A Superhero’s Guide

Conquer Negativity with Ujjayi Pranayama: A Superhero’s Guide

Hello, hello, hello yogis! Get ready to channel your inner superhero with Ujjayi Pranayama, the “Victorious Breath” that can help you conquer negativity and find peace and balance within yourself. What is Ujjayi Pranayama?: Ujjayi Pranayama is a breathing technique that involves slightly constricting the back of your throat while inhaling and exhaling through your nose. This creates a subtle “ocean wave” sound, which can be used as a focal point of concentration during practice. The Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama: Ujjayi can help with mindfulness practice by making it easier…